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The Automatic Gate System: Is It Dangerous?

The rise of the automatic gate system has been laid bare in a recent persistence market research report, that finds automatic gate systems are becoming more popular with a growth of around 7.5% over the decade. A good automatic gate

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How to Make Your Community Smart

Gated communities are becoming more popular in the USA each year. They’re springing up all over the place as people chase security and exclusivity. However, there are a lot of older gated communities that lack the modern property technology implementations

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How Do Gate Entry System Sensors Work?

A modern gate entry system is made up of multiple components. It may vary depending on the mode of gate entry, and on how old the system is. New gate entry systems use cellular tech to access the gate. Certain

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Electric Gate Faults: When To Call For Help

Electric gates are a brilliant example of developing proptech. Especially the most recent models using cellular access technology. However, macherey with metal moving parts can be susceptible to faults. Sometimes, the fault might lay within the gate, other times it

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How To Manually Open An Electric Gate

Electric gates are, by design, meant to be opened remotely and electronically. That’s what makes them so great. There are, however, certain situations where an electric gate may need to be opened manually. So, here we’ll explore the best way

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Maintaining Your Gate Entry System

So you’ve installed a gate entry system. How do you maintain it? No matter what gate entry system you’ve purchased, and regardless of the software you’re using to tell the gate to open, there are controls you need to keep

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Can you get an app to open electric gates?

As smartphone technology developed over the last ten years, applications (apps) became more and more useful. Instead of having to go to a website you can access your account right from an app on your smartphone. As such, more businesses

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10 most expensive gated communities in America

Gated communities are increasing in popularity all the time. We see it everyday at Nimbio. In fact, between 2001 and 2009, the USA saw a 53% increase in the amount of gated communities. Since 2009, the numbers have only been

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The Call Box: Is It Still Useful Today?

Call boxes have been around since the nineteenth century. Some of the first ones were used by Chicago police and Washington used them all over the city to provide a direct line. Nowadays, they’re used often on gates to give

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The Greatest Gated Communities in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada or “Sin City” isn’t just a haven for gambling joy, shopping, dining out and entertainment glory. That’s because the metropolis is also brimming with amazing options in gated communities. If you want to explore neighborhoods that are optimal for day-to-day convenience, ease and deluxe vibes in general, then there are many diverse options that may be right up your alley. Exploring these Las Vegas gated communities may help you make a strong choice that involves your upcoming relocation project.

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7 Reasons Why Gated Communities Are Safer

In the area of premises security, more investment in security measures almost always improves the security of a community overall. Nevertheless, some commentators have attempted to make the attention-grabbing argument that gates offer little-to-no security benefits or make communities more vulnerable to criminals. This dangerous and baseless suggestion has facilitated criminal activity by deterring many communities from taking advantage of modern gate access technologies that stop burglars in their tracks, warn criminals to stay away, and keep all types of non-residents out. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly review the reasons why gated communities help to reduce crime, protect property, and keep residents safe.

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6 Tips for Choosing the Right Gate for Your Community

Communities increasingly want to install a gate to enhance security and control access. Today, gates are becoming less expensive because of advanced technology. Modern gates can automatically control access more effectively than a human guard, and new technologies can control access in ways that are easier for residents and property managers alike. Read on to learn how to pick the right gate for your community.

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Does Your Community Need a Gate? Consider These 5 Factors

Interest in gated community living is increasing among both renters and property buyers alike. New technologies are making secure access gates feasible in even the smallest communities that cannot justify the cost of hiring a 24-hour security team. Consequently, many new and existing communities are considering the possibility of installing a gate access solution. If your community is contemplating adding a gate, consider the five factors outlined in this article.

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Requirements for Converting Your Neighborhood Into a Gated Community

Communities are increasingly considering using a gate because of the enhanced security that modern access solutions can provide. Until recently, gated communities would have to rely on either expensive human security guards or highly insecure solutions, such as 4-digit pin pads or physical keys. Today, a modern gate entry system can control access using a smartphone in ways that keep all unauthorized guests out, provide immediate access to law enforcement, and automatically open gates for delivery drivers. If you want to convert your neighborhood into a gated community, read on to learn the steps you will need to take to get a gate installed.

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Electronic Gate Entry Systems: Which Solution Is Best?

Most gate entry systems used in today’s world come with electronic security features that seek to simplify access and enhance security. However, these access solutions vary widely in terms of how effectively they are able to keep a facility safe. Some solutions can also offer improved convenience for residents, guests, and property managers. Consequently, when purchasing a gate entry system, buyers need to carefully consider the solution’s impact on convenience, security, and management overhead.

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How Smart Gate Access Solutions Improve Security

Gates have been used for thousands of years to keep residents safe and keep criminals out. Recently, new technologies have advanced rapidly, and new solutions have been found to enable gates to provide a higher level of security. Many of the advancements that have been achieved rely on smart features that restrict access to authorized guests and detect the presence of criminal activity. Taking advantage of new solutions can reduce the likelihood of security incidents while providing more convenience to residents.

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5 Features to Look for When Choosing an Automatic Gate Entry System

Secure automatic gates have been dreamed about for over a century, but it was only in the last few years that they have become an effective security solution. Today, many gate manufacturers are offering automatic entry systems that can be opened with proximity sensors, license plate readers, or internet-based solutions. Additionally, there are solutions available that can modernize gates with secure automatic entry solutions.

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Reopening After COVID-19: 6 Best Practices for Safe Gate Access

The world is gradually reopening as the COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control through the use of vaccines and precautionary measures. The reality is, however, that COVID-19 is not going away any time soon. Even people who have been vaccinated have at least some risk of contracting and spreading the virus.

As a result, it is imperative for communities to take steps to make their communities as safe as possible. Access gates are one of the best points for policing COVID-19 response policies, but they also introduce risks by potentially functioning as a point of transmission. Consequently, it is imperative for communities to understand the best access management practices for keeping their guests safe as the new normal begins.

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Cost Comparison: Gate Guard vs. Smart Gate Entry System

Throughout human history, the only way to use a gate to control access to a facility has been to employ guards who restrict access through face-to-face interactions. The problem, however, is that hiring a security team to manage a gate is prohibitively expensive in most cases. Additionally, human operators can be manipulated by cunning criminals, and they often make mistakes. Therefore, modern smart gate entry systems have been developed to control access to facilities using modern technology.

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Airports in Focus: How Cellular Gate Entry Systems Can Improve Security

A recent case of criminal mayhem at Sacramento Executive Airport is shining a spotlight on the embarrassment, costs, and problems that reliance on legacy gate systems can lead to. The case highlights the importance of the advantages that smart cellular gate access systems can provide, including automation, data, alerts, and other features.

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The Rise of Gate Entry Systems for Single-Family Homes and Private Residences

Gate entry systems are one of the areas that will be substantially improved with the help of modern technology. Smart gate entry systems can be opened automatically from the smartphones of authorized guests, and gate security can be improved in new ways with the help of cloud computing and the effective use of data. Read on to learn how smart gate entry systems will make gated properties much more common in the years ahead by bringing down costs while offering greater benefits.

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Gated Community Security: Maximizing Property Values With Smart Technology

Gated communities have controlled access to protect property owners from a broad range of dangers that are present in modern society. Normally, criminals are free to spend days scouting out a neighborhood on public streets in search of vulnerable properties. The internet has made it easy to look up anyone’s address online in a matter of minutes, and this reduction in privacy has led to the harassment of public figures and an increased number of burglaries targeted from social media activity.

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Gate Entry Systems: Improving Security With Technology

Clickers are keyless entry systems that have been used for security purposes for decades because they are convenient and can easily fit into your pocket. Most cars and garage doors can be opened with a clicker or key fob. The problem, however, is that clickers can be dangerous when they fall into the hands of criminals. A recent story from Oakville, Ontario, clarified just how dangerous clickers can be.

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Cellular Internet: The Future of Access Control?

Access control technologies are becoming widely utilized as costs come down with the advancement of technology. The large control boxes of the past can usually be replaced with a small inexpensive box that can be conveniently tucked away behind a wall. Today’s access control systems also make use of smartphones and internet connectivity to control and monitor entry for guests, delivery drivers, staff members, and other individuals who support a property on a daily basis.

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Gated Community Security – The Problem with 4 Digit Codes

When breaking into a facility, the gate is always the weakest point. In medieval times, armies trying to break into a castle would have to focus their efforts on breaking through the main castle gate. Technologies have changed, but the gate remains the point that primarily determines whether intruders can succeed at breaking in.

Unfortunately, many facilities are lax with gate security. The most significant gate security issue stems from facilities using 4-digit pins that provide easy access for criminals. Therefore, it is important for people who are responsible for gated community security to understand why 4-digit codes are a serious problem.

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Product Review: Nimbio – Gate Entry System App

Nimbio has introduced a new solution that promises to finally enable residents of a community to use a gate access app to control entry. This app claims to offer the ability for unit owners to easily add new users while providing access to keys across all devices. Therefore, it is possible for community members to leave their community without having to haul their key fob around for access upon returning.

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Access Control in Gated Communities: Best Practices

The number of gated communities spread across the United States has increased significantly over the past few decades, going from 5,000 in the early 1980s to well over 20,000 today. What attracts so many to this type of living environment? Access control. Of course, that is not the only feature that attracts residents to these types of communities, but it is what sets this type of residential area apart.

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Gated Community Access Control and Self Driving Cars

Technological advances in the self driving cars market raise some questions for residents of gated communities. How to get inside the gate presents concerns for residents who need solutions to a potentially vexing problem. While you cannot buy one just yet, many automakers intend to produce them within a few years. Most gated community access control systems share a common denominator that requires someone to do something. Some gate access systems may need a driver to click a remote control, press a passcode on a callbox or use a smartphone to enter a gate. Makers of access control systems have plans for alternative methods that may make authorized entry easier than ever.

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Gated Community and HOA Law

Gated communities have shown a continuous rise in demand in the American Urban Landscape. They have unique features that differentiate them from non-gated places.  The

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#PropTech and Access Control

Technology advancement has impacted many areas of our lives in significant ways. The real estate sector in particular has seen investors and major players rush to snap up opportunities that come with embracing technology in real estate.

PropTech is the popular name for the emerging technologies that affect the real estate market in both commercial space and construction. Although PropTech is still in the initial stages, the technology’s future looks bright, and we are bound to see more integration of technology in the real estate business.

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How secure is your gated community?

Security is a significant concern for people residing in gated communities. An effective security system should be put in place so that the gated community may attract and retain residents. There are security mistakes that should be avoided at all costs. By avoiding some of these security mistakes, the gated community will be secure, and it will be easy to attract and retain new residents. Also, we will look into some of the security features that should be present in gated communities.

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4 Biggest Gated Communities in America

Gated communities are staples for the well-off, as well as the famous and powerful. The reasons to build a new life in this sort of environment are numerous. More than just the prestige that comes with knowing that your security is ensured by a protected access point, there’s the sense of unity you’ll find. Things don’t change much in gated communities; they don’t typically allow changes in infrastructure like new roads or buildings, and the home owner’s associations pay strict attention to the conduct of homeowners. Celebrities, CEO’s, and other high-profile people are flocking to these kinds of living situations.

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Gate Codes – Access Control in Gated Communities

Modern gated communities control entry into their areas of residence using access codes at the main access control point of the gated zone. The access codes work by restricting entry and prompting you to enter a code before entering the gated community. When you enter the correct code, the gate opens and you are allowed to enter. This article explores the security and management of gate codes in gated communities.

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Access Control Apps

The advancement of technology has offered major convenience and improvements in security in nearly every aspect of our lives. Recent technology progress in the fields

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Pros and Cons of Living in a Gated Community

Living in a gated community is an experience that most people would like to have. The sense of prestige and exclusivity that this lifestyle brings with it is a worthwhile goal for many people. However, life in a gated community is not a bed of roses. There are some drawbacks to this choice in housing. If you need to decide whether or not to choose this life, here is an extensive guide on the pros and cons of living in a gated community.

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Tailgating in Gated Communities

No matter how your gated community handles access control, the most challenging aspect of gate security is Tailgating. Tailgating refers to instances of an unauthorized

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Access Control – What is it?

Every day, all of us require access to a variety of different physical spaces. Each of these spaces has a different level of access restriction. Homes, apartments, garages, and gyms are a few examples of the restricted facilities we access on a regular basis. A shared access point is an entrance to a facility to which multiple people require access at varying times throughout the day. Shared access points are everywhere. Parking garages, front doors for apartments, doors to an office building, and gates for gated communities are examples of shared access points that we encounter on a regular basis.

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