Gated communities are becoming more popular in the USA each year. They’re springing up all over the place as people chase security and exclusivity. However, there are a lot of older gated communities that lack the modern property technology implementations of newer builds. It’s left many communities trying to make implementations to make the community smart and tie it into the internet of things. 

There are multiple ways you can make the community smart in line with modern technology. Some communities will have differing needs depending on size and layout, but you’ll still be able to pluck some ideas from this article.

Smart Gate Cellular Keyless Entry

A smart gate using cellular keyless entry can both improve security for the gated community while also ensuring that you and the other members of the community have a convenient way to enter and leave.

The majority of new gated communities are built with electric gates, but they’re not all done with cellular keyless entry in mind. That means that the developers, probably to save money, will use:

Some might even use manual entry, or not even use electric gates at all. 

The better end of new gated communities will use cellular keyless entry. It allows you to simply use your smartphone to open and close the gate…so convenient.

If you want to upgrade your gated community and in particular, the access control, you’d be better off upgrading to cellular keyless entry. It instantly makes your community far smarter in terms of proptech and the internet of things. You simply use an app to open the gate to your community.

System managers of the keyless entry system can simply add or remove users with the app, making access super secure at all times. You can open the gate with your smartphone remotely from the comfort of your vehicle safe in the knowledge that it’s going to work time and time again. Safer, more secure, and less hassle and stress.

Smart Security Upgrades

First off, if you’ve gone with cellular keyless entry technology like we mentioned above, you’ve already made a key upgrade to your community security. Keyless tech aside, there are other steps you can take. We’ll outline some of them here. No matter the size and population of your gated community, you should be able to implement these.

Smart Cameras

CCTV cameras have been around for ages. They’re a natural deterrent and can be useful. However, smart cameras are so much better and if bought with the whole community on board, they can be pretty cheap. A smart camera is a camera you can access via the internet, namely a smartphone. If you can quickly view a camera’s field of vision you can check an area to see if something is amiss.

You can even set smart cameras to notify you when something enters its field of vision, for total peace of mind. 

If you’re doing this on a community basis, you need to be careful where the cameras are placed to ensure you’re not invading anyone’s privacy. You’ll have to agree on this together. Easy in smaller communities, but harder for larger. You also have to settle on who is in charge of checking the cameras. Smart cameras are a great and fairly easy way to make your community smart and safe.

Smart Paint

Smart paint, how can paint be smart? Well, it can and it can be pretty good for the security of your community. You can paint your smart gate, for a start, along with any railings or fences. Smart paint usually comes in two different kinds. 

  1. Invisible paint: if someone breaks in, the paint sticks to their clothes invisibly but is visible to a UV light. When the police catch up to them it’s easy to identify them as the perpetrator. This might not stop them from getting over the gate, but it does help in catching them.
  2. Sticky paint: A gross, tacky paint that’s slippery and sticky. It’ll stick to hands and clothes, acting as a deterrent. Also, the slippery nature of the paint makes it harder to climb.

Be careful where you put smart paint. Don’t use it where kids play, only where you think there’s a genuine security concern in the community. Even then, you need to make sure that everyone in the community knows exactly where the paint is to save any accidents.

Smart Communication

Communication is huge in a community. If people talk to each other often there are more chances problems get brought up and dealt with. If people don’t talk, security concerns aren’t voiced which can end up leading to problems. This is a really easy win. You just need to set up a whatsapp group, or a group on Facebook where people can talk and communicate.

Again, this is easier with smaller communities, if they’re larger they can be harder to manage. It’s totally free to do and can help to smartly level up the community by simply using communication technology that allows people to talk in an open forum. 


Smart Lighting Systems 

Smart lighting is great if you’re an environmentalist. It can help save energy and do well for the planet. Imagine a whole community doing this too? The effect is even stronger. Smart lighting essentially only turns street lights on when a car is near it. 

This can have security concerns because it means a lot of areas are dark at night. However, they do light up when movement is sensed. Lots of communities use them in conjunction with their keyless gate entry systems so that the gate area is lit up when vehicles enter or exit.

You can go all out with smart lighting and use it on street lights etc., or you can use it on a smaller basis to light up less used areas. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed our article on making a community smart. Again, not every community is the same but there are some surefire ways you can upgrade. If you enjoyed it, check out our blog for more up to date information on proptech and electric gates.

Alternatively, if you think Nimbio could be of use to you and your community please view our testimonials to see how others have fared with the system. Or, have a look at the features page to see what Nimbio can do for you. Any questions? Check our FAQs or contact us directly. 

Open your gate or building with your phone